Pickling! I did the garlic scapes (far right) last month. Last week, I had an abundance of cucumbers from the CSA and my ma's garden, so I made some cucumbers into dill pickles...the kids liked them better than store bought, so last night I did two more quarts and an experimental pint, I am trying to duplicate a local pickle that is no longer made...added a chile pepper, some cinnamon and some cloves. I'll post the recipe later if they come out good XD
I also pickled some chard stems (far left), some onions (middle rear) and a single half pint of beets (left front), as I am the only one who likes them.
Hopefully, I will swing back into blogging since I am no longer working outside the home. I want to attempt canning this year, but that will depend on whether I can budget in a pressure canner...fingers crossed!