Friday, January 16, 2009

It's Been Forever, or I'm a BAD BAD Blogger

I know, I know.....since April '08. But part of my New Years' Goals is to be more organized, which includes actually being active in all of my commitments (including blogging).

Since then, we found out we are expecting child #4, we lost a furbaby (Princess- one of our sister cats- she had always had some problems and died in my arms, very loved and very missed), and dh is going in for another surgery at the end of this month.

HAPPY VEGANNIVERSARY to us!! The 1st of this month is one year of committing to veganism, and I am so happy about that choice. Staying ignorant to the suffering of others is no excuse to continue a lifestyle that is damaging.

I do cook and bake as much as I did when I started this blog, I just haven't been sharing. I promise to try and post as often as I can with yummy pics and recipes (including many of my oh-crap-what's-left-in-the-kitchen-throw togethers :p )

This weeks highlights (sorry- no pics) included a PB and chocolate chip cake from Vegan Express, Seitan and Shallot Marsala with Homemade Gnocchi from The Vegetarian Meat and Potatoes Cookbook, Vegan Cowboy Tamale Pie, and a freezable Apple Walnut Cake - this one can be made in 2 loaf pans instead, and I subbed 1/2 cup mixed seeds for 1/2 cup walnuts and everyone loved it.

I have been trying to cook to "feed the freezer", in other words- doubling recipes and freezing the extras so that once this baby (a.k.a Peanut) comes, we'll have some stress-free, healthy "real" meals. I used to do OAMCing (Once a Month Cooking) sessions when we only had 2 preschool-aged kids, but find devoting a whole day to just cooking/preparing food/freezing to be too much with running my business, homeschooling/socialization and working out of the home. So, most of what I will be posting will be freezable foods :)

Nice to be back and I hope my 1 reader catches this update LOL!

1 comment:

eesh said...

I'm currently in the middle of a move and haven't had any plans to make any dolls to sell. Really sorry. Too many things to wrap my mind around right now. I know it's hard to find vendors out there who sell the vegan dolls but I think some who don't make vegan ones would be willing to make a vegan one if you requested it. Might cost a bit more for them to find the materials but it's worth a shot. I have heard of others who've done it this way.

Or you can try getting the kits and making one! I would skip the batting and the hair of course and just get the premade/presewn bodies then you can buy your own stuffing and make the head and stuff it yourself (there are many tutorials online for making a Waldorf doll head). I think Joy Dolls (not sure on name, u can do a google search) still sells premade kits that you can buy for the bodies. And you can get great hair from Michaels or my favorite online yarn shop 'Knit for Brains' They have a great selection of animal free yarns. Goodluck!