Sunday, April 8, 2012

I finally started using the dehydrator!!

See, I got a Nesco dehydrator on cheapcheap clearance a couple of years ago, but was too overwhelmed/nervous to use it until recently...I thought I loved and was addicted to Kale Chips before, but the store's OVERPRICED ones have got NOTHING on homemade ones :p

I used this recipe. Beyond tasty!!

So this week I actually used my down time between calls at work to make a meal plan and grocery list...using cookbooks and recipes I printed from the 'Net. I copied/printed 2 such recipes for Eggplant "Bacon" that were similar to each other and kinda melded what sounded good to me into my own recipe.... I actually had to make way more marinade than either recipe called for, so adjusting for more marinade. I'll post the results on a future date.

Eggplant Bacon

1 medium eggplant, sliced thin, lengthwise strips

marinade -

3 Tablespoons smoked paprika
3/8 cup apple cider vinegar (6 Tbs)
3/8 cup sunflower oil (6 Tbs)
2 tsp garlic powder
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp black pepper
3/8 cup Bragg's Aminos
1/4 cup agave
1 tsp Liquid Smoke
1 tsp Browning Liquid
5 Tbs water, to thin it out a little

Make marinade in a rectangular glass dish. Dip slices of eggplant in the marinade, coating both sides evenly. Put in dehydrator at 115 degrees, until crispy. The one recipe I had suggested that 12 hours does the trick.

I apologize for how long it's been, but dh had yet another back surgery and life's been overwhelming, busy, etc. I had a long stretch of depression and no one to lean on, friends were all too busy with their lives. And I went back to work, since dh is on temporary disability. So my time is limited, even now. I feel a little better than I did just a month ago and have been reading books to work on myself and my relationships. I have started cooking and baking more often.

The slant of this blog may change a little....I am trying to eat a low gluten vegan diet....supposedly it's been found helpful for other women who have PCOS. I want to be healthy, inside and out and I am working on it day by day.

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