Thursday, August 2, 2018

No real recipe...

Yesterday early afternoon I premade pasta salads for yesterday’s dinner and tonight’s...totally off-cuff.
Last night we had Italian-inspired (pasta, fresh tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, kale, cukes, lentils and herb-roasted tofu in a doctored Italian dressing: about half n half Italian dressing, vegan pesto with some balsamic vinegar and oil… More added), I served it with French’s-type fried onions on top....tonight is a Mexican-inspired (pasta, bell pepper, diced jalapeño, onion, corn, canned diced tomatoes w/chilies, diced cukes, lentils, herb-roasted Tofu and diced veggie burger in a doctored Italian dressing: half n half Italian dressing and salsa, puréed with a pk of Sasón and some Sofrito mixed into it and a little more vinegar and oil). It’ll be served with fried tortilla strips on top.

Why is the off-the-cuff stuff THE BEST? When I try to duplicate it, it’ll still be yummy but DH will inevitably say, “this is delicious but it’s different than last time?” LOL.

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