Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dinner Tonight

MmmmMMm, Indian Food! This started out because I needed to find a meal using coconut milk (hopefully a curry :p) that I had leftover in the fridge from yesterdays birthday cake.

I found a Chicken Coconut Milk Curry online and checked out a recipe for Naan, an Indian flat bread. When I went shopping this a.m. I forgot flour (for the naan) and after going to the CVS and Family Dollar up here (both have a surprising amount of groceries for the people around here who are car-less) and realizing that neither had flour.... I ran into an ittybitty Middle Eastern market in the same plaza, praying to every diety they'd have flour....Someone heard me- they had Naan in pkgs, and it was vegan :)

I ended up picking up some chickpeas and a box of seasoning for them also.

So, tonight I present-
Mock Chicken Coconut Curry, Chana and Spinach Chholay with Brown Basmati Rice and (not pictured, Naan)

I thought it was tasty, the kids all liked it but said I should cut the spices down a little in the Chholay.

I'll get the hubby's input tonight after he gets home from work.

The recipe for the Chicken Coconut Milk Curry is here, I substituted Morningstar Farms "Chicken" Strips (cut into bite size pieces) for the chicken. The naan recipe that I have every intention of trying is here.

I will be updating here a little more often now :blushes: As long as life stays calm for a bit. We did a cold rotation in the house and I was in no mood to cook, much less post!

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